





一 不要再替成年子女操心,才不会啐啐念。

    Don’t be concerned about adult children any more, otherwise, cannot stop the annoying chatters.

二 不要再将成年子女当成未成年来监护,以免招人怨。

    Don’t regard the adult children as of under age and serve as a guardian for them, so to avoid incurring complaints.

三 不必事事“非知道不可”,尊重已成年子女的隐私权、自主权。

    No necessary to know everything, pay respect to the privacy and the right of decision-making of adult children.

四 不要再以儿、孙为生活重心,寻找自己的园地,才不至天天望穿秋水。

    Don’t regard children and grandchildren as a center of life, look for personal social circles, so to avoid trapping yourself in the dilemma of anxious expectation and disappointment daily.

五 不要逢人就诉苦,宁可写作、画画、练功、唱歌,以艺术、创作升华情绪。

    Raise a habit of writing, painting, exercising, singing to sublime your mood by arts and creation rather than complain to people coming across.

六 不要凡事抱怨,多欣赏、感谢别人为取悦妳所做的努力。

    More admiration, less complaints and appreciate what other people have done for pleasing you.

七 不要因孙辈和子女媳婿争执冲突,这样只会恶性循环,害了妳的孙辈。

    Don’t involve in the dispute between grandchildren and adult children, this act just causes adverse effects in a bad circle and hurt your grandchildren.

八 不要因为病痛而唉唉叫,有病要治病,领了药要服药,治不好的要忍耐。

    Don’t cry over sickness, just go to see a doctor and take the necessary medical pills as prescribed, and be patient if failed to cure.

九 不要疑心病太重,要感激还愿意留在你身边的人,免得最后连他也走了!

    Don’t be skeptical to others to much, be grateful to the person who left around you, otherwise, he will go away from you too eventually.

十 要有坚定的信仰,对未来抱着开心、乐观的态度。

    Be stick to belief and take pleasant, optimistic attitudes toward the future

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  2. 银狐眼 說道:


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